Our goal is to support your goal. Our proven management guidelines flex to accommodate your realities.
From our founding Brigade Commander through our distinguished Officers, we've been providing security long before our 2002 inception.
We observe and report in the context of your environment. From special events to the most secure research laboratories, we support all size jobs in the manner you expect.
Certified at multiple Peace Officer, firearm, first aid and other training levels, we are serious about latest best practices to secure your sites, protect your investments and keep everybody safe.
We manage jobs, contingencies, outfitting, logistics, communication - all the things you don't have to worry about.
We invest heavily in readiness, technology and retention to keep our dedicated staff current, efficient and motivated. That means something.
Well bonded, insured and licensed across States, we work to minimize exposure to chaos. We understand your aversion to public, incidental and legal risk.
Who hasn't been frustrated with support? That's why we insist on a caliber of personnel unmatched in the industry. You're in for a real treat on support and service calls.